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Article on Mythic Scribes

“So please, go out and write some mythology. Write some mythology that thinks hard about the vulnerable and marginalized, instead of fetishizing the power structures that marginalized them in the first place. You have freaking dragons at your disposal. Go make the world better with them.”

Christian wrote an article for the well-curated and consistently thoughtful Fantasy blog Mythic Scribes. In it, he talks about “black & white” vs. “grey” Fantasy and some of the ethical issues involved with each. You can read the full article here.

Monsters, Pt. 3

Our story now turns to General Traft, the half-Orc commander of the rebel army. Traft attempts to gain a tactical advantage by recruiting an unlikely ally to his cause. In the process, Traft discusses the nature of stories, and philosophizes on the justification of his rebellion.

Tune in on April 27, 2014 to hear about Brennen’s not-so-triumphant return to Castle Guernatal. If you enjoy the show, please be sure to follow us on Twitter, and give us a rating on iTunes!  The TOAFN Patreon page is now live! If you have the means and appreciate our show, please consider supporting us on Patreon. 


Please Consider Supporting us via Patreon!

Greetings, Dear Viewers!

We’re very excited to announce that our Patreon page is now live. Patreon is a crowd-funding service, similar to Kickstarter or IndieGoGo, but allows supporters of a project to pledge small amounts of money on a continuing basis, rather than just a large sum all at once.

If you’re enjoying the show, we hope you’ll consider supporting us financially. Your money will go towards recording studio time, web hosting, and compensating the people whose hard work makes the show possible. Remember: until such time as someone perfects the alchemy that turns good writing directly into gold, the generosity of fans is the best avenue by far for independent artists and content creators to receive material compensation for their work.

You can pledge as much or as little as you want, down a single cent per episode, and all pledges will be gratefully received. But, if you pledge at least $1 per episode, we have rewards for you! You can score yourself lossless audio of all our episodes, scripts of upcoming episodes two weeks before the episode is released – or even an Associate Producer credit, among other things.

If you can’t spare any cash, don’t fret – we’re very grateful just to have your listenership. The show you know and love (like? like like? casually enjoy? casually enjoy with benefits?) isn’t going anywhere. MP3’s of every episode will always be available for free through all the usual channels. And you can still help us by telling your friends about the show and/or our fundraising efforts.

For more details, head to onceandfuturenerd.com/support, or patreon.com/onceandfuturenerd.

Thank you all so much.

The Producers of The Once And Future Nerd 


Go See Julie in YENTL!

Greetings dear viewers!

In addition to all the other awesome stuff that our cast members have been up to lately, we wanted to let you know that the amazingly talented Julie Reed (who plays Jen, among other parts) will be performing the role of Hadass in a Heights Players production of YENTL by Leah Napolin and Isaac Bashevis Singer.

There are performances the next two weekends, and you can get all the important details here. We hear great things about the play, as well as this production of it. So if you’re going to be near Brooklyn, you should definitely check it out. And then you can find out why Julie signed her personal press release about it ‘#yolo’.