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Christian Contributed to an Actual Book You Can Buy

Hello listeners. Director here. Just wanted to take a brief moment to plug a book I contributed to – The De-Textbook, by the writers of Cracked.com. You can learn more about the book – and pre-order a copy! – here.

I don’t get any money or anything based on how this book sells, but if you like TOAFN, you’ll probably like the stuff Cracked puts out. I learned a lot of my genre-riffing tricks from them,  and they have the best record of any internet comedy site I know for mocking victimizers rather than victims.

If you wanna read the piece I contributed to that made its way into the book, you can find that one here.

Go See Anya in a Short Play


The multi-talented Anya Gibian, who plays Arlene and Regan (wait for “The Prince of Iorden,” Pt. 6), is going to be in a short play as part of the “Bad Theater Festival.” If you’re in the NY metro area and like live theater, you should definitely think about checking it out. Here is the info:

Beginning With Rabbit
by Constance Cooper
(a ten-minute play with improvised music throughout)
Note: Apparently Anya likes appearing in works that start with rabbits as much as I like writing works that start with rabbits.

with Anya Gibian & Abbey Dehnert
Constance Cooper & Ed Davis, improvisers
Costume design & execution Jacqueline Joseph

Saturday, November 9 2013 at 7PM
(as part of the Bad Theater Festival)

The Tank @ 46th Street
151 w. 46th St. (b/t 6th and 7th Ave)
8th Floor

Tickets are only $10 at the door!!! Probably will sell out quickly so I would recommend getting tickets from this link.