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The Last Douchey Domicile, Pt. 1

With Brennen and Jen in desperate need of medical attention, the party arrives at the White Forest – the sacred sanctuary of Iorden’s Elves – in great haste. But the barriers to entry prove vexing even for Yllowyyn the Kalth’yr. Meanwhile, Gwen and Arlene reach a life-changing decision.

THE ONCE AND FUTURE NERD and its cast & crew have been nominated for several AudioVerse Awards! Voting will begin in November. Find out more here: http://www.audioverseawards.net/site/faq/

Chapter 7, Pt. 2 will be available on November 9, 2014. Be sure to subscribe and leave us a rating on iTunes or Stitcher!


Audio Bonus Content #4 – Anniversary Special 2014

September 21st marked one year since we began releasing episodes! So we sat down with most of our current cast to talk about where we’ve been and where we’re going.

Special thanks to Silver A./AG Audio for helping us out with the audio work on this one. You can check out more of their work here: https://soundcloud.com/ag-audio

Hit the break to see the maps we reference in our conversation (one of them is hilariously bad).

Continue reading on Audio Bonus Content #4 – Anniversary Special 2014 »

The Singing Sister, Pt. 4

CONTENT NOTE: This episode portrays the aftermath of bodily mutilation from timestamp 16:18 – 17:40,  and again from 21:25 – 21:45. Please use your own discretion in listening to these scenes.

In the moving conclusion to Chapter 6, Brennen fights against his illness and tries to continue his storytelling, but it seems to be a losing battle. Based on the counsel of the Templars of Discord, General Traft begins the next leg of his campaign, and does some storytelling of his own. And Arlene Redmoor must face the cost of survival under her brother’s Regency.

Music for “The Singing Sister” is Copyright © 2014 by Anya Gibian. Lyrics Copyright © 2014 Glass & Madera, based on an English folk song. We encourage the creation of derivative works, but please contact the authors first.

Chapter 7 will premiere on October 26, 2014. In the meantime, stay tuned for our first anniversary special, and be sure to subscribe so you won’t miss anything!

If you want to support the show, iTunes reviews are a huge help and cost you nothing but time.


Thank You All for getting us to 10,000 Downloads

As of today, we have accumulated 10,000 total downloads.

To celebrate this milestone, and to thank all of you dear viewers for your support and listenership, we’re re-releasing the entirety of Chapter 1, “The Prince of Iorden,” but this time as a single file with no interruptions and with credits and titles only once. We hope you enjoy it!

If you’d like to listen to future chapters this way, please consider becoming a supporter of the show on Patreon. Visit http://onceandfuturenerd.com/support to learn more about supporting us financially. If you’d like to support the show, but can’t spare any cash, you can do us a huge favor by reviewing us on iTunes, or just by generally spreading the word around your usual internet hangouts.