Category Archives: Episode

Bridges, Pt. 3

With the Knights of the Wood hot on their trail, our newly reunited heroes must think quickly to make good their escape from Freehold. Meanwhile, Ardel Redmoor is finally forced to confront the responsibilities of the title he now claims. And a wounded Ry’y lo-Th’yyt encounters yet another obstacle in pursuit of her quarry.

The script for this episode can be downloaded here.

Chapter 3 will conclude on November 19. We hope to see you then!


Bridges, Pt. 2

Strange and unnatural circumstances abound at Redmoor-occupied Castle Guernatal. The downtrodden General Traft finds shelter from a storm. But what manner of shelter is it? The prodigal Elf, and Knight, and Lady, and Handmaiden return to the side of their Queen. But there’s little time for warm reunions.

The script for this episode can be downloaded here.

As we’ve mentioned before, we are thrilled to be nominees in this year’s Audio Verse Awards, alongside literally dozens of shows we love and admire. Semi-Finals Voting is open now through October 30, so head over to to cast your ballots and give some good good recognition to whatever shows you think deserve it.

Part 3 of this Chapter will be released on November 5. We hope to see you then!


Bridges, Pt. 1

An inebriated and ill-prepared Yllowyyn finds himself with two lives in his hands. No matter what he does, his decision is likely to echo loudly and far.

The script for this episode can be downloaded here.

We’d like to take this opportunity to thank whatever kind souls saw fit to nominate us for the 2017 Audio Verse Awards. Thank you so much, and please stay tuned for details on when/where to vote.

Part 2 of this chapter will be released on October 22. We hope to see you then!


Continue reading on Bridges, Pt. 1 »


What Used To Be Enough, Pt. 5

In the harrowing conclusion of Chapter 2, Gwen shares what she’s learned with Brennen and Bryce. And Arlene has some very difficult questions to answer.

The script for this episode can be downloaded here.

As this is the end of this chapter, it’s time for you to send in your #AskTOAFN questions to be answered on the air in a couple weeks. You can submit your questions anytime before 11:59pm Eastern time on July 28, through Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Tumblr, or Patreon, either with a DM or by using the hashtag #AskTOAFN.

And if we hit our Patreon reach goal of $250/episode, that #AskTOAFN episode will become a live video hangout! We’re extremely close to that goal right now, so thanks a million to everyone who has pledged or told a friend about the show.

We’ll be taking our customary micro-break between chapters, but release dates for Book 2, Chapter 3 – entitled “Bridges” – will be announced in the near future. We have some cool bonus content lined up for you in the meantime.

CONTENT NOTES (including some unavoidable spoilers) below:

Continue reading on What Used To Be Enough, Pt. 5 »


What Used To Be Enough, Pt. 4

Having had some time to cool off, some of our party takes steps towards reconciling. But Brennen is still struggling, and seeks the guidance of Bryce Riverfell, before the two are interrupted by an unexpected guest. Yllowyyn grins and bears his new traveling companion(s). And back at the Horse’s Head Inn, Arlene makes a new…friend? But she’ll have to reckon with an unexpected guest of her own.

The script for this episode can be found here.

The pulse-pounding conclusion of this chapter will be released on July 23. We hope we’ll see you then.
