Category Archives: Cast & Crew News

Book 1 Special Edition

We’re really excited to announce that the Special Edition of The Once And Future Nerd Book 1, is now available through Audiobooks on Tape. (They make these really cool USB flash drives that look like old cassette tapes!)

The Special Edition includes:

  • Full chapter files with credits only once per chapter for maximum bingeing (previously only available to Patreon subscribers)
  • Bonus interviews
  • TOAFN artwork in 4K Ultra HD, including our new map, and several never-before-seen character designs.

All proceeds from the Special Edition will go towards funding Book 2 (which we are currently writing!), and are also a great gift for anyone who loves Fantasy or Audiodrama, but doesn’t do podcasts.

Purchase at (just search for ‘Once And Future Nerd’).

And in honor of the Special Edition, we sat down for a conversation with Ian Harkins (the Narrator) looking back at Book 1. Think of it like a free companion piece.

We’ve also got some limited-time-only coupon codes for fans who want to purchase the special edition, so keep reading for those.

Continue reading on Book 1 Special Edition »

Cool New Addition to the Community

Hey everyone!

We wanted to bring your attention to an interesting new SciFi audiodrama podcast called You Are Here (full disclosure: this blog post is a perk of supporting us on Patreon. A close friend of You Are Here decided to support TOAFN’s Patreon, and one of the perks of their support is a shout-out of their project. So here it is. If you’d like your project to be discussed on our blog and broadcast to our audience…consider supporting us on Patreon!)

The interesting feature of You Are Here is that it is a “choose your own adventure podcast”. Did you ever read choose-your-own adventure books as a kid? You read a few pages, and then your character comes upon a bear in a cave! To fight the bear with a stick, go to page 45. To run away screaming in fear, go to page 70. Of course, when I was a kid, it seemed like I always accidentally led my character to a gruesome, horrible fate…so horrible…

Anyway, lets not go there. Back to the point! You Are Here is a brand new podcast (so far only 2 episodes and a prologue released) that is undertaking the tremendous effort to bring that concept to audiodrama! The show will play out like any other audiodrama…you subscribe on iTunes or wherever you prefer, listen to each episode as it comes out. Every few episodes, the plot reaches a cliffhanger where the character could chose between a number of courses of action. And then fans vote! Via twitter or facebook, the fans make their opinion heard, and then the majority vote determines what happens in the next episode!

Personally, we’ve never seen another audiodrama try this approach before. This may be the first / only one to ever attempt this. As a listener, this gives you a unique opportunity to jump on the bandwagon early and direct the course of the plot.

So, if you are looking for a new audiodrama podcast to get into during the TOAFN hiatus, consider You Are Here.

Patreon (where donating gets you extra votes and other perks):

Sorry for the delay…

Left to right: Zach Glass, Co-Creator; Alec Story, Associate Producer; Ian Harkins, Narrator; Jess Kelley-Madera, Co-Executive Producer; Christian Kelley-Madera, Co-Creator; Paul Notice, Nelson; Julie Reed, Jen; Anya Gibian, Regan & Arlene. Photograph courtesy of Craig Griffin.

Very sorry, the conclusion of book four will be released late; we’ll have it up as soon as it’s ready. It’s a very complicated episode and we wanted to make sure it sounds right.

Also, we had this thing we had to do.

Left to right: Zach Glass, Co-Creator; Alec Story, Associate Producer; Ian Harkins, Narrator; Jess Kelley-Madera, Co-Executive Producer; Christian Kelley-Madera, Co-Creator; Paul Notice, Nelson; Julie Reed, Jen; Anya Gibian, Regan & Arlene.

Photograph courtesy of Craig Griffin.

Merch Store, Special Free Downloads, and a Raffle!

The finale of book one is fast approaching! But fear not, we’ve got some exciting promotions to carry you all through these next few weeks.

#1) FREE FULL-CHAPTER DOWNLOADS! Between now and September 6, Chapters 1-9 will be available as a single full-chapter audio file for free! Use this to catch up in time for the finale, to re-listen in time for the finale, or even better, to get your friends in! Head to to grab your free audio downloads. These downloads will only be available between now and September 6, so be sure to get these ASAP.

#2) PROMOTIONAL RAFFLE! These full-chapter audio files are a great way to get new listeners into the show and caught up in time for the finale, but these new listeners need to know where to find the mp3s. To help entice people to share the news about the finale, every tweet, every facebook post, every internet discussion mentioning the finale and the full-chapter downloads will earn an entry into a raffle! On Twitter or Facebook, use the hashtag #TOAFNCatchUp and tag us in the post so that we know to count your entry in the raffle. If you post on Reddit or some other social media, or even tell a friend in person, shoot us an email at iordic.princes[at]gmail[dot]com so that we know to give you an entry in the raffle. We’re going to limit at 3 entries per social media per person (so 3 tweets, 3 facebook posts, and 3 other, for a maximum of 9 entries per person). Any post between now and September 6, 11:59 PM EST will count as an entry, and the winner will be announced in mid-september.
Of course, a raffle is no good without a prize. What’s the prize, you might ask? Well, I’m glad you asked, because the prize is…

#3) TOAFN MERCHANDISE! We are so so happy to announce that we now have a merchandise store with CafePress!  Our store is at . We have t-shirts, hoodies, coffee mugs, beer steins, and so much more, all with the TOAFN artwork you see around our site (all the art is from the talented John Flanagan). Please do check out the store, there’s some pretty sharp-looking stuff in there. If you see something you like, consider treating yourself, or maybe getting a super-super-early head start on that old Xmas shopping list!

The lucky winners of the promotional raffle will each win a T-Shirt from our store. So get those raffles in, and you may get lucky!


We’ve said it before, but we really really cannot say it enough, Thank you everyone so much for supporting the show, listening every episode, and following us. The support we’ve been getting, especially surrounding the Geekie Awards and Parsec Awards, has really been unbelievable.  So thank you for listening, we hope you are enjoying, and get excited for the Book 1 Finale!