We’ve got a 5-star rating on the iTunes Store, so thanks to everyone who rated us! If you want to support the show and haven’t rated us yet on iTunes, please consider doing so!
We’ve got a 5-star rating on the iTunes Store, so thanks to everyone who rated us! If you want to support the show and haven’t rated us yet on iTunes, please consider doing so!
John DeNardo, over at the Hugo Award winning blog, SF Signal, was awesome enough to link to us in a roundup of fun new stuff.
Check out the post here:
SF/F/H Link Post for 2013-10-07
SF Signal is a highly-regarded Sci-Fi and Fantasy fanzine, so you’re sure to find something cool while you’re there.
Thanks for the shout out, John!
Our podcast is now listed on Podfeed.net! Now you can listen to and rate TOAFN from there if you prefer (Don’t worry, all your favorite current listening methods still exist). Podfeed.net will also now list us in their directory, so there are more ways for new fans to find us too!
If you are interested, check us out at podfeed. If you have a podfeed.net account already, you can add us to your myPODFEED page directly from the sidebar to your right. And if you have something to say, please give us a rating or a comment! This goes for iTunes too, by the way, we really appreciate any ratings we get, good or bad.
As always, we appreciate any feedback, so feel free to give us a piece of your mind, here or on facebook or twitter, or via email.
Can’t get enough of The Once And Future Nerd? Well, allow me to explain the concept of Bonus Content!
Podcasts are an awesome medium for storytelling (at least the way we do podcasts…and storytelling for that matter). Sometimes though, you just want to give your audience more. Which brings us to BONUS CONTENT! Bonus content is an opportunity to do some things that don’t fit into the main podcast. It will usually take the form of either writing or art. However, as things go on, bonus content may also include some audio files for out-takes, some Mailbag / “AMA”-type segments, or, really, whatever the hell else we feel like.
Continue reading on So what is this “Bonus Content” stuff anyways?
Hello and Welcome!
We are pleased to present our three-part series premiere. We sincerely hope you enjoy THE ONCE AND FUTURE NERD:
When three high school students from modern-day Pennsylvania find themselves trapped in a world of wizards, elves, and feudal intrigue, they must learn to survive in their new surroundings, and undertake an epic quest to save the world from the encroaching forces of chaos.
WARNING: This show contains adult language, graphic descriptions of violence, and explicit discussions of sexuality. This is, of course, in the interest of historical realism. We hope you enjoy our story about wizards and elves.
Our show is also available on the iTunes Store, and you can always consult our Episode Guide to see which episodes have been released. For more detailed information about how to follow along with the show, please visit our ‘Where To Listen‘ page. And be sure to look at our Cast & Crew page to learn more about all the talented people involved in this show.
Our next episode will be released on October 6 (with some bonus content posted even sooner). If you like what you hear, we really hope you’ll become a regular listener to the show.