Exciting news! Author, critic, and designer Rebecca A. Demarest posted an excellent review of our show on her website this morning.
She calls the series “delightful,” with “fully developed characters that translate well through audio.” She’s “hooked and there’s no going back.” Read the full review over at Rebecca’s website.
Rebecca is a talented writer and promising voice in her own respect, so her praise counts for a lot. Her first novel, Undeliverable, is available now from most major e-booksellers, and you should definitely check it out. In addition to her book being a well-crafted, emotionally resonant story about loss, $1 from each sale book goes to The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (Charity Navigator Rating). So that’s pretty awesome.
So thank you, Rebecca, for the kind words, and thanks to everyone else who helps spread the word about our show.
Edit: Full Disclosure – Rebecca occasionally advertises on this site via Project Wonderful.