The Last Douchey Domicile, Pt. 4

CONTENT NOTE: This episode contains a retelling of sexual abuse, which may be disturbing to some listeners, between timestamps 8:17 – 9:18. Please use your judgment in listening.

Faced with the harrowing decision of whether to officially declare her claim to the throne before the Elven High Council, Regan turns to an unlikely advisor. Meanwhile, Antonin Mooncrest discovers his new bride Arlene is missing, and jumps to conclusions about who is to blame.

Thus concludes Chapter 7 of our tale. Chapter 8 will premiere in 2015. In the meantime, stay subscribed for bonus content, as well as other exciting holiday news. If you want to keep the conversation going, visit our official discussion forum at And thank you, as always, for listening.


AudioVerse Final Round Voting Is Open!

As we mentioned before, we are finalists in several categories of the AudioVerse Awards. Thank you to everyone who voted in the semifinal round, we hope you’ll consider giving us your vote again. Head to if you’d like to vote!


We’re AudioVerse Awards Finalists!

We are extremely proud to announced that, among extremely worthy competition, we have become finalists in every category of the AudioVerse Awards for which we were eligible:

Best Ongoing Original Comedy of the Year
Best Ongoing Original Long-form Production of the Year
Best Actress in an Original Ensemble Role – Lily Drexler as Gwen
Best Actress in an Original Ensemble Role – Anya Gibian as Regan
Best Actress in an Original Ensemble Role – Anya Gibian as Arlene
Best Actress in an Original Ensemble Role – Julie Reed as Jen
Best Actor in an Original Ensemble Role – Garrett Armyn as Brennen
Best Actor in an Original Ensemble Role – Ian Harkins as The Narrator
Best Actor in an Original Ensemble Role – Paul Notice as Nelson
Best Actor in an Original Ensemble Role – Frank Queris as Billy
Best Writing of an Ongoing Original Long-Form Production – Zach Glass & Christian Madera
Best Original Composition in a Production – Thomas Lee
Best Audio Engineering in an Ongoing Original Production – Sandra Ramirez

We’re extremely honored to have been recognized in this way. We will keep you all in the loop as voting for the Finals commences, but for now we just wanted to say thank you to everyone who voted and to everyone who continues to lend us their ears.

-The Once And Future Nerd


Audio Announcement: 2014 AudioVerse Awards

Just a reminder for all you dear viewers that voting for the first round of the 2014 AudioVerse Awards closes on November 17! THE ONCE AND FUTURE NERD is nominated in several categories so we hope you’ll consider voting!


Please vote for the Audioverse Awards!

Exciting news (and a request)!

THE ONCE AND FUTURE NERD and its cast & crew have been nominated for several Audioverse awards – given for excellence in free audiodrama – across several categories. And you, – yes, YOU! – can help us become finalists, while simultaneously supporting an excellent showcase for independent audiodrama.

Just visit this page to learn how you can vote:

Voting is free. Voting properly will take a bit of your time, but so many excellent shows are featured that we’re confident it will be worth your while.

But don’t delay! The first round of voting is only open until November 17 (if we get enough votes by then we will become finalists).

Thank you, as always, for supporting our show, and thank you in advance for helping the Audioverse Awards do their awesome work.
