Interview with Zach Valenti

Today’s bonus content is an interview with the one and only Zach Valenti, star and co-producer of Wolf 359 (among many other things), who took on a cameo role as Merril in our last few episodes.

This conversation was originally broadcast in May as part of Zach’s ongoing “Self Care Sunday” livestream project. You can watch video of the interview here (Christian starts at right around hour 2), and subscribe to the channel at

Release of Chapter 3 is delayed slightly, for reasons explained at the head of the episode. We will announce release dates as soon as we can, and we’re sorry for the delay!

Hit the break for a full transcript of Christian’s statement.

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This episode is the audio from our latest #AskTOAFN, which we did as livestream. It’s been cleaned up a little and lightly edited. And you can always watch the original, unedited and with the video right here.

Thank you so much to everyone who wrote in with questions! We tried to at least acknowledge receipt of everything even if we didn’t answer it, so if you believe you sent in a question and you didn’t get any kind of a nod from us, let us know. If you won a book, we’ll be in touch shortly.

We’ll be back soon with some more cool bonus content, and we’ll announce release dates for Ch. 3 as soon as we can commit to something. See you then!

Cool stuff mentioned in this episode:

  • Not that they need our help, but the McElroys are some sweet, sweet boys.
  • Our friends are doing cool things at Join The Party.
  • We recently interviewed Tal M. Klein about his new novel THE PUNCH ESCROW.
  • Anya is playing a show in NYC with the cast of ONCE to benefit VH1’s Save The Music.
  • The Notice is Paul’s ongoing blog and documentary project.
  • Left Trigger Right Trigger is Greg’s “video game book club” podcast.

Interview with Tal M. Klein

Today’s bonus content is an interview with Tal M. Klein. His sci-fi novel THE PUNCH ESCROW – the film rights to which have already been purchased by Lionsgate -is available now, and he’s touring indie book stores to promote it.

If you’d like to be entered to win a copy of the book, tweet something using the hashtags #TOAFN and #GetPunched.

And as a reminder, we’ll be doing an #AskTOAFN livestream on Tuesday August 1 at 8pm Eastern. Stream will be posted at this link. We hope to see you there!


What Used To Be Enough, Pt. 5

In the harrowing conclusion of Chapter 2, Gwen shares what she’s learned with Brennen and Bryce. And Arlene has some very difficult questions to answer.

The script for this episode can be downloaded here.

As this is the end of this chapter, it’s time for you to send in your #AskTOAFN questions to be answered on the air in a couple weeks. You can submit your questions anytime before 11:59pm Eastern time on July 28, through Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Tumblr, or Patreon, either with a DM or by using the hashtag #AskTOAFN.

And if we hit our Patreon reach goal of $250/episode, that #AskTOAFN episode will become a live video hangout! We’re extremely close to that goal right now, so thanks a million to everyone who has pledged or told a friend about the show.

We’ll be taking our customary micro-break between chapters, but release dates for Book 2, Chapter 3 – entitled “Bridges” – will be announced in the near future. We have some cool bonus content lined up for you in the meantime.

CONTENT NOTES (including some unavoidable spoilers) below:

Continue reading on What Used To Be Enough, Pt. 5 »
